Customize Organization

You can customize your workspace settings to the needs and rules of your organization. This includes changing the name of your organization. Furthermore, you may choose to allow or permit your experts to self-manage their time-off like holidays, sick leave or other blockers. Please also check out our article that explains how to customize project attributes.

1. Change the Name of your Organization

1.1 Go to Organization Settings

Choose Customize from the menu. Then click on Edit Settings.

1.2 Choose a New Name for your Organization

Click into the field under Organization Name. Here, you can erase the current name and type a new name. When you are finished, click on Save.

2. Set the Permission to Edit Time-Off

2.1 Allow or Permit Members to Edit own Time-Off

If you want to enable normal workspace members to add time-off to their own schedule, then move the slider to the right. 

If you don’t want to enable normal workspace members to add time-off to their own schedule, then move the slider to the left. 

When you are finished, click on Save.

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